headshot, woman, ashriel huber, podcast host

Explore the Called and Curious podcast to find your callings and embrace curiosity. Gain ideas, steps, encouragement, and support to grow into a life of excellence!

Welcome to the community!

Welcome to the Called and Curious community. I know you were made for more, to do more, to help more, and to feel better every day in the process. I want you to have your BEST life, where you’re confidently moving toward the person and the life that you’ve been called to! Combining great enthusiasm and kindness with science and stories, we have honest conversations that lead to transformation. As your grown-up kindergarten teacher friend, I’m helping you find the JOY in learning and in who you’re becoming. I’ll expand on your potential and possibilities so you can step into your callings with a whole community behind you. Let’s stay called, let’s stay curious, and let’s conquer the day together!

Thank you!

Thank you for being here and being a part of the Called and Curious community! I am eternally grateful to you for showing up, for supporting the mission, for reading this far (woop!), and for allowing me into your life each week.


My monthly newsletters are glorious! I won’t overwhelm your inbox as, at the beginning of each month I’ll send out the ABC’s of the month with just three items in it that are designed to bring joy, encouragement, and give you a check-in from a friend so we can keep growing into our callings.

Enter your email to join the curious and we’ll do this together!